Get Certificates
Returns all certificate information viewable by the user, including each certificate's UUID; resource_type (for example, certificate_self_signed, certificate_ca, or certificate_signed); pem_encoded data; and history of the certificate (who created or modified it and when). For additional information, include the ?details=true modifier at the end of the request URI.
Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page)
whether to expand the pem data and show all its details
Comma separated list of fields that should be included to result of query
Maximum number of results to return in this page (server may return fewer)
Field by which records are sorted
"_self": {
"rel": "string"
"_links": [
"action": "string",
"href": "string",
"rel": "string"
"_schema": "string",
"cursor": "string",
"sort_ascending": false,
"sort_by": "string",
"result_count": 0,
"results": [
"_self": {
"rel": "string"
"_links": [
"action": "string",
"href": "string",
"rel": "string"
"_schema": "string",
"_revision": 0,
"_create_time": 0,
"_system_owned": false,
"display_name": "string",
"description": "string",
"tags": [
"scope": "string",
"tag": "string"
"_last_modified_time": 0,
"_create_user": "string",
"_last_modified_user": "string",
"id": "string",
"resource_type": "string",
"used_by": [
"service_types": [
"node_id": "string"
"details": [
"rsa_public_key_modulus": "string",
"dsa_public_key_y": "string",
"is_ca": false,
"issuer": "string",
"not_after": 0,
"signature": "string",
"dsa_public_key_q": "string",
"dsa_public_key_p": "string",
"rsa_public_key_exponent": "string",
"public_key_algo": "string",
"is_valid": false,
"issuer_cn": "string",
"version": "string",
"subject_cn": "string",
"signature_algorithm": "string",
"serial_number": "string",
"dsa_public_key_g": "string",
"public_key_length": 0,
"not_before": 0,
"subject": "string"
"pem_encoded": "string"