List Cloud Virtual Machines
Returns the list of all virtual machines created or imported under a particular account id. Supports optional query parameters like region id, vpc id, public_ip, is_gateway.
Identifier for account based on which virtual machines are to be filtered
Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page)
Comma separated list of fields that should be included to result of query
Identifier for virtual machine based on which the list can be filtered
Is the VM a gateway node?
Identifier for logical switch based on which Aws Virtual Machines are to be filtered
Maximum number of results to return in this page (server may return fewer)
Public IP address of the virtual machine
Identifier for region based on whicha Virtual Machines are to be filtered
Field by which records are sorted
Identifier for vpc based on which Aws Virtual Machines are to be filtered
"_self": {
"rel": "string"
"_links": [
"action": "string",
"href": "string",
"rel": "string"
"_schema": "string",
"cursor": "string",
"sort_ascending": false,
"sort_by": "string",
"result_count": 0,
"results": [
"_self": {
"rel": "string"
"_links": [
"action": "string",
"href": "string",
"rel": "string"
"_schema": "string",
"_revision": 0,
"_create_time": 0,
"_system_owned": false,
"display_name": "string",
"description": "string",
"tags": [
"scope": "string",
"tag": "string"
"_last_modified_time": 0,
"_create_user": "string",
"_last_modified_user": "string",
"id": "string",
"resource_type": "string",
"gateway_ha_index": 0,
"gateway_status": "string",
"nsx_ip": "string",
"is_gateway": false,
"is_gateway_active": false,
"error_messages": [
"error_id": 0,
"detailed_message": "string"
"agent_status": "string",
"logical_switch_id": "string",
"logical_switch_display_name": "string",
"private_ip": "string",
"public_ip": "string",
"os_details": "string",
"managed_by_nsx": false,
"quarantine_state": "string",
"cloud_tags": [
"value": "string",
"key": "string"
"os_type": "string",
"agent_version": "string"