

This type represents an externally provided link port or network address information per instance of an external connection point. In case a link port is provided, the VNFM shall use that link port when connecting the external CP to the external VL. In a link port is not provided, the VNFM shall create a link port on the external VL, and use that link port to connect the external CP to the external VL.

JSON Example
    "cpInstanceId": "string",
    "linkPortId": "string",
    "cpProtocolData": [
            "layerProtocol": "string",
            "ipOverEthernet": {
                "macAddress": "string",
                "ipAddresses": [
                        "type": "string",
                        "fixedAddresses": [
                        "numDynamicAddresses": 0,
                        "addressRange": {
                            "minAddress": "string",
                            "maxAddress": "string"
                        "subnetId": "string"





Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the link port that connects the CP to a VL. The following conditions apply to the attributes "linkPortId" and "cpProtocolData": * The "linkPortId" and "cpProtocolData" attributes shall both be absent for the deletion of an existing external CP instance addressed by cpInstanceId.

  • At least one of these attributes shall be present for a to-be-created external CP instance or an existing external CP instance.
  • If the "linkPortId" attribute is absent, the VNFM shall create a link port.
  • If the "cpProtocolData" attribute is absent, the "linkPortId" attribute shall be provided referencing a pre-created link port, and the VNFM can use means outside the scope of the present document to obtain the pre-configured address information for the connection point from the resource representing the link port.
  • If both "cpProtocolData" and "linkportId" are provided, the API consumer shall ensure that the cpProtocolData can be used with the pre-created link port referenced by "linkPortId".
Property Of