Create V Sphere Storage Profile
Create vSphere storage profile
The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /iaas/api/about
"supportsEncryption": false,
"sharesLevel": "low / normal / high / custom",
"description": "string",
"diskMode": "undefined / independent-persistent / independent-nonpersistent",
"storagePolicyId": "6b59743af31d",
"tags": [
"value": "string",
"key": "string"
"shares": "2000",
"provisioningType": "thin / thick / eagerZeroedThick",
"regionId": "31186",
"limitIops": "1000",
"name": "string",
"defaultItem": true,
"datastoreId": "08d28"
Indicates whether this storage profile supports encryption or not.
Shares are specified as High, Normal, Low or Custom and these values specify share values with a 4:2:1 ratio, respectively.
A human-friendly description.
Type of mode for the disk
Id of the vSphere Storage Policy to be applied.
A specific number of shares assigned to each virtual machine.
Type of provisioning policy for the disk.
The Id of the region that is associated with the storage profile.
The upper bound for the I/O operations per second allocated for each virtual disk.
A human-friendly name used as an identifier in APIs that support this option.
Indicates if a storage profile acts as a default storage profile for a disk.
Id of the vSphere Datastore for placing disk and VM.
successful operation
"owner": "[email protected]",
"supportsEncryption": false,
"externalRegionId": "Datacenter:datacenter-2",
"sharesLevel": "low / normal / high / custom",
"description": "my-description",
"diskMode": "undefined / independent-persistent / independent-nonpersistent",
"orgId": "9e49",
"tags": [
"value": "string",
"key": "string"
"organizationId": "deprecated",
"shares": "2000",
"createdAt": "2012-09-27",
"provisioningType": "thin / thick / eagerZeroedThick",
"limitIops": "1000",
"name": "my-name",
"id": "9e49",
"defaultItem": false,
"updatedAt": "2012-09-27"
Email of the user that owns the entity.
HATEOAS of the entity
Indicates whether this storage profile should support encryption or not.
The id of the region for which this profile is defined
Shares level are specified as High, Normal, Low or Custom.
A human-friendly description.
Type of mode for the disk
The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
This field is deprecated. Use orgId instead. The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
A specific number of shares assigned to each virtual machine.
Date when the entity was created. The date is in ISO 8601 and UTC.
Type of format for the disk.
The upper bound for the I/O operations per second allocated for each disk.
A human-friendly name used as an identifier in APIs that support this option.
The id of this resource instance
Indicates if a storage profile contains default storage properties.
Date when the entity was last updated. The date is ISO 8601 and UTC.
Invalid Request - bad data