The network object is an opaque reference to a logical network that network interfaces are attached to.
Based on settings specified by your cloud administrator, it may be a reference to an existing network, or be backed by an on-demand network created for isolation, or a security group that will be attached to machines as part of provisioning.
Networks are a limited resource, when it is not needed it should be deleted.
HATEOAS links:
self - Network - Self link to this network
"owner": "[email protected]",
"externalZoneId": "us-east-1a",
"externalRegionId": "us-east-1",
"description": "my-description",
"externalId": "i-cfe4-e241-e53b-756a9a2e25d2",
"orgId": "9e49",
"tags": [
"value": "string",
"key": "string"
"organizationId": "deprecated",
"createdAt": "2012-09-27",
"cloudAccountIds": [
"deploymentId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"name": "my-name",
"cidr": "",
"id": "9e49",
"projectId": "9e49",
"updatedAt": "2012-09-27"
Email of the user that owns the entity.
HATEOAS of the entity
The external zoneId of the resource.
The external regionId of the resource
A human-friendly description.
External entity Id on the provider side.
The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
This field is deprecated. Use orgId instead. The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
Date when the entity was created. The date is in ISO 8601 and UTC.
Set of ids of the cloud accounts this entity belongs to.
Additional properties that may be used to extend the base type.
Deployment id that is associated with this resource
A human-friendly name used as an identifier in APIs that support this option.
IPv4 address range of the network in CIDR format
The id of this resource instance
The id of the project this entity belongs to.
Date when the entity was last updated. The date is ISO 8601 and UTC.