"account": "string",
"arn": "string",
"count": 0,
"dead_letter_config": [
"target_arn": "string"
"description": "string",
"environment": [
"variables": {}
"filename": "string",
"function_name": "string",
"handler": "string",
"invoke_arn": "string",
"kms_key_arn": "string",
"last_modified": "string",
"layers": [
"memory_size": 0,
"publish": false,
"qualified_arn": "string",
"region": "string",
"reserved_concurrent_executions": 0,
"role": "string",
"runtime": "string",
"s3_bucket": "string",
"s3_key": "string",
"s3_object_version": "string",
"source_code_hash": "string",
"source_code_size": 0,
"tags": {},
"timeout": 0,
"tracing_config": [
"mode": "string"
"version": "string",
"vpc_config": [
"security_group_ids": [
"subnet_ids": [
"vpc_id": "string"
(Required) The name of the AWS cloud account to use for this resource
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to the Lambda function.
The number of resource instances to be created.
Settings for the nested block to configure the function dead letter queue.
Free-form text that explains what the function does.
Settings that describe the function environment configuration.
Path to the function deployment package in the local filesystem. Cannot be used with S3.
(Required) Free-form, unique name of the function.
(Required) The function entry point in the code.
ARN used for invoking the function using API Gateway Integration.
The ARN assigned by AWS to the function KMS encryption key.
Date when the function was last modified.
ZIP archives with additional code and content for the function.
Maximum memory, in megabytes, that the function can use at runtime. Default is 128.
Whether to publish a new function version upon each creation or change. Default is false.
ARN assigned by AWS to the function version.
(Required) Target cloud region, such as us-east-1. Must be within the provider cloud account.
Maximum reservations for concurrent executions of the function. Default is 1.
(Required) IAM role that determines who can invoke the function and what resources the function can access.
(Required) Code runtime library/language.
S3 bucket location containing the function deployment package, which must reside in the same AWS region where you are creating the Lambda function. Cannot be used with filename.
S3 key to the object containing the function deployment package. Cannot be used with filename.
S3 object version that contains the function deployment package. Cannot be used with filename.
Base 64 encoded SHA 256 hash of the deployment package specified in filename or S3. Used to trigger updates. Usually set by ${base64sha256(file(""))}
where is the local filename of the function source archive.
Size, in bytes, of the function ZIP file.
List of tags to apply to the function.
Maximum time, in seconds, that the function is allowed to run. Default is 3.
Settings for stack traces.
Latest published version of the function.
Settings that allow the function to access your virtual private cloud (VPC).