Get Writable Volumes
Get Writable Volumes
Writable Volume's GUID.
Writable Volume's owner's Active Directory Object-Guid.
DateTime in ISO 8601 format.
DateTime in ISO 8601 format.
Minimum capacity to filter in MB.
Maximum capacity to filter in MB.
Number of Writable Volumes to limit to in response.
owner_name of Writable Volume.
owner_type of Writable Volume.
domain_name of Writable Volume.
status of Writable Volume.
attachment status of Writable Volume.
datastore_name in which Writable Volume exists.
datacenter_name in which Writable Volume exists.
migration status of Writable Volume.
List of Writable Volumes.
"data": [
"id": 0,
"name": "SNAPVOLUMES\test_user",
"title": "SNAPVOLUMES\test_user",
"owner_id": 2,
"owner_name": "TestUser",
"owner_type": "User",
"owner_upn": "SNAPVOLUMES\test_user",
"owner_object_guid": "8da04bfa-bbbe-45c3-9cbf-2d3d03897b84",
"created_at": "2021-12-03 13:10:13 -0800",
"created_at_human": "Dec 03 2021",
"updated_at": "2021-12-03 13:10:13 -0800",
"updated_at_human": "Dec 03 2021",
"mounted_at": "2021-12-03 13:10:13 -0800",
"mounted_at_human": "Dec 03 2021",
"attached": "string",
"status": "string",
"mount_count": 0,
"total_mb": 10237,
"free_mb": 5237,
"size_mb": 5000,
"requested_mb": 20480,
"percent_available": "Unknown",
"template_version": "4.0.0",
"version_count": 0,
"type": "DataDisk",
"display_type": "Writable Volume",
"error_action": "string",
"busy": false,
"state": "Moving",
"filename": "snapvolumes_test_user.vmdk",
"path": "appvolumes/writable",
"datastore_name": "SSD Disk Array RAID8",
"volume_guid": "volumeguid-8-volumeguid",
"datastore_host": "null",
"can_expand": true
"counts": {
"total": 1,
"warning": 0,
"critical": 0
Session expired. Create a session and make the request with the _session_id cookie.
"error": "Session expired. Please login again."
Session expired. Create a session using and make the request with the _session_id cookie.
Server error.
"error": "Server Error",
"detail": "Unexpected server error."
Server Error.
Details of error. Exact error format subject to change depending on type of error.