VMware Telco Cloud Automation - SDK

The TCA SDK provides language bindings for accessing NFV Orchestration and Management APIs provided by the VMware Telco Cloud Automation, also known as TCA.

Added in the Release 3.0 of the SDK Python:

- ETSI SOL R4.3.1 API invocations (conditional)

- Multitenancy

- CaaS: IP Pool management

Refer to the TCA Interoperability Matrix for details.


By downloading, installing or using the software you agree to be bound by the terms of Broadcom's Software Development Kit License Agreement unless there is a different license provided in or specifically referenced by dowloaded file or package. If you disagree with any terms of the agreement then do not use the software.

Name Version Size MD5
Telco Cloud Automation - Python SDK 3.0 36.96 MB 0e921dfdd82a6c2864f845ea09555a44
VMware Telco Cloud Automation SDK - MD5 checksum 32.00 B 709253e9ec07dde168bd26bd18991d40
VMware Telco Cloud Automation SDK - SHA1 checksum 40.00 B 685110aad55c47123beb68a1698eb7c7
VMware Telco Cloud Automation SDK - SHA256 checksum 64.00 B ccd5f43ec4afcfcd8d7619f67dc8a9b4

Documentation and Reference